Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Reversed Invoice and cost adjustments to line item

I would like to explain about one scenario where a PO gets closed when the invoice goes to paid status, but then there is a requirement to make changes in the PO Line item cost and invoice needs to be changed accordingly.

The checkbox to close the PO was checked on changing the invoice status to PAID in the maximo Invoice application. So, the status of the PO gets changed from APPR to CLOSE when invoice status is changed to PAID. Now there we came across a situation where we created a PO with one PO line item with incorrect tax code but we realized the error when the invoice for this PO was already paid. We did not want to revise the PO and go through the approval process again. So here is a solution to reverse the invoice and make changes to the PO Line item or Invoice Line item as described below.

The first step would involve the reversal of the paid invoice. As discussed in my previous blog, from the paid invoice record, you need to choose the option Reverse Invoice from the select action menu and select autonumber to create a new invoice in pending reversal status, with reversal reason, G/L posting date, etc. A new invoice is created with status as PENDREV and negative entry in the cost fields and with a reference of the original invoice number. When you change the status of the new invoice to APPR, the status of the old invoice gets changed from PAID to REVERSED.

The second step would be to create a new invoice with the same PO number and site details. You need to go to the Invoice Lines tab, and you can check the uninvoiced quatity for the line item when you select the Copy Lines button. Select the line item accordingly and make the necessary changes to the tax code.

You can verify that in the Invoice tab that invoice total and total base cost has been changed accordingly. You can also verify that total cost of the PO is not changed and it is as per the original invoice.
Now the process of changing Invoice status to approved and then to paid remains the same. This way you are saved of PO revision and approval process and changes or adjustments can be made at the Invoice application only as per your requirements.

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